The meat-and-all options are fashioned from a free-trade/organic shopping list and avoid refined sugar. At lunch, its block wood tables and chairs are crammed with office workers grabbing a healthy, casual meal. If it’s full, pack your meal in one of the cute brown folding boxes and eat al fresco on Carnaby Street. The menu gets a tad heartier at dinner, but the best recurring options include “hot boxes” of Moroccan meatballs in plenty of red sauce with brown rice and slaw; a juicy grilled halloumi wrap, a “superfood” salad combining energizing ingredients such as kale and peanuts, and picnic boxes with mackerel or chicken and chorizo. There are nine locations where tourists are apt to wander, including west of St Paul’s Cathedral (weekdays only; 12 Ludgate Circus); in King’s Cross station; and behind the Tate Modern (7 Canvey St.), and in Spitalfields Market.