Everyone from Queen Elizabeth II to Orson Welles has dined in this venerable restaurant, famed for its history (a restaurant has stood here since 1582), its impeccable service, and its sweeping view of the Seine and Notre-Dame. In 2023, the place was given a makeover, adding a 1930s-inspired bar: Bar des Maillets d’Argent on the ground floor and a rooftop for wine and cocktails. Inside the panoamamic 6th-floor dining room, where you gaze out over Paris though huge windows, chef Yannick Franques woos well-dressed crowds with inventive French cuisine and the establishment’s coveted signature dish of pressed duck (each duck has been numbered since 1890). Five or six different waiters will visit your table at one time or another, accomplishing various tasks (opening wine bottles, pulling out your chair, and even leading you to the bathroom) with utmost professionalism and not a hint of snobbery. For something simpler and cheaper, check out the Rotisserie d’Argent, just across the street—the Tour’s gingham-clad sister establishment with a terrace that sprawls out onto the Tournelles bridge just outside