A stunning and controversial exhibit featuring real live dead bodies (over 200 full and partial specimens, some possibly executed Chinese prisoners who may never have given permission for their bodies to be used in this way—hence the controversy). Utilizing a patented freeze-dry operation, full bodies, artfully dissected body parts, and stripped cadavers are on display not for sensationalism—though it is pretty sensational in nearly all senses of the word—but for visitors to fully appreciate the wonder and mechanics that go into our transient flesh. When a body is positioned in an athletic pose, you can see how the muscles work, and when a cross section of a lung afflicted with cancer is right in front of you, you may be glad Vegas has passed stricter smoking laws. It’s educational and bizarre and not something you’re likely to forget soon. Surprisingly not grotesque, but not for the ultra-squeamish. Also, put your phones away as photos are not allowed.