Occupying the space formerly known as Tryst, Intrigue opened to much fanfare, but mixed reviews. Tryst was a groundbreaking club for its time (that time being the mid ’00s), one of the first to fully capitalize on the growing EDM scene, and creating what we know as bottle service today (and along with the latter that odious distinction between being VIP and a mere mortal). Tryst was starting to feel a little dated, but it knew exactly what it was. To take its place, Intrigue wanted to break its own ground, promising to move away from overpaid DJs and focus more on the guest experience for ALL the guests, not just the ones who paid for table service. Yet opening night featured a big-name DJ. Even more telling that we’ve got the same old-same old going on here: one of the most noted features of Intrigue is a club-within-a-club that only the true elite will ever see. The social media-free zone is hidden behind a secret door, and admittance can only be gained through approval by some cabal of executives. So much for breaking ground. So what is new? Well they’ve added a “selfie wall,” choreographed pole dancers and cocktail waitresses who wear different uniforms every night. For the part us mere mortals can see, I do appreciate that the rest of club was lightened up all around, and that the 94-foot man-made waterfall that was the centerpiece to Tryst’s outdoor section remains, though I imagine that wasn’t easy to demolish it just for a new club. Intrigue is open Thursday through Saturday from 10pm until late.