A stroll through Fiesole, much if it an uphill climb, begins in Piazza Mino, where the Duomo looms to one side. This landmark is remarkably forbidding and unattractive, in part because it’s been destroyed twice, once by invading Florentines and again by ham-handed 19th-century restorers. St. Romulus, Fiesole’s 1st-century patron saint, has been left undisturbed in his crypt beneath the altar and is pictured in a series of 15th-century panels near the altar. Legend (probably more colorful than actual truth) has it that the saint’s mother, a girl of noble birth, bore him after a liaison with one of her father’s slaves then abandoned him to be raised, like the same-named hero of Roman legend, by wolves. He was captured and baptized by St. Peter, and before the Romans caught up to him, spread Christianity around Central Italy. A walk up hill from here takes you past the town’s Roman ruins (see below) and two lovely churches. Beyond the plain facade of the church of Sant’Alessandro is a wonderful parade of marble columns and arches (summer Mon–Sat 9am–6pm, Sun 10am–1pm and 2–6pm; winter Mon–Sat 9am–5pm and Sun 10am–1pm). Off to one side of the Gothic church of San Francesco are some peaceful little cloisters