The four stories dedicated solely to the chocolate that melts in your mouth, but not in your hand, is a great place to get the kids all hepped up on sugar before passing out from the crash. Part of a bright, frenetic facade for the Showcase Mall (that includes a giant Coca-Cola bottle and a frenetic Gameworks sign), this shop draws kids like flies to honey. But where else would you go to pay for overpriced M&Ms in a rainbow of colors you’ve never seen before? There’s a 3-D movie that tracks the famed Red and Yellow M&Ms as they search for the monogram they apparently lost in Vegas. It’s cute, and the good teen employees who introduce the film are seemingly more excited about their jobs than one would expect. If you’ve ever wanted your M&Ms to read something other than their original imprint, you can print a personal message—it’ll be short and sweet because of the surface area, but that’s kind of the point of M&Ms. M&M’s World is open daily from 9am until midnight.