Mexico has two principal travel seasons. High season begins around December 20, peaks over New Year's, and continues through Easter week (Semana Santa); in some places, it begins as early as mid-November. Low season is from the day after Easter to mid-December, when prices may drop 20% to 50%. In beach destinations popular with Mexican travelers, such as Veracruz and Acapulco, prices will revert to high season during July and August, the traditional national summer vacation period. Prices in inland cities seldom fluctuate from high to low season, but may rise dramatically during the weeks of Easter and Christmas. Taxco and Pátzcuaro raise prices during their popular Easter-week celebrations. Along the Caribbean coast, many hotels divide the year into five or six rate periods; high season starts earlier than in the rest of the country and includes the month of August, when many European visitors and Mexican families arrive.

Mexico has two main climate seasons: rainy (May to mid-Oct) and dry (mid-Oct to Apr). The rainy season can be of little consequence in the dry, northern regions of the country. Southern regions typically receive tropical showers, which begin around 4 or 5pm and last a few hours. Though these rains can come on suddenly and be quite strong, they usually end just as quickly and cool off the air for the evening. Hurricane season particularly affects the Yucatán Peninsula and the southern Pacific coast, especially from June through October. If no hurricanes strike, however, the light, cooling winds, especially from September through November, can make it a perfect time to tackle the pre-Hispanic ruins that dot the interior of the peninsula.

Norte (northern) season runs from late November to mid-January, when the jet stream dips far south and creates northerly winds and showers in many resort areas. These showers usually last only for a couple of days.

June, July, and August are unrelentingly hot on the Yucatán Peninsula and in most coastal areas, though temperatures rise only into the mid-20s to 32°C (mid-80s to 90°F). Most of coastal Mexico experiences temperatures in the 20s°C (80s°F) in the hottest months. The northern states that border the U.S. endure very high summer temperatures.

Elevation is another important factor. High-elevation cities, such as Mexico City and San Cristóbal de las Casas, can get quite cool. Temperatures can drop near freezing at night in winter, even in San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato, which are at lower elevations.

Mexican beaches reach uncomfortably hot temperatures, often with high humidity, in summer, and most foreign visitors prefer the Caribbean and Pacific Coasts after the hurricane and rainy seasons end in October. Although the weather may be ideal then, the craziest time to visit Cancún and the Riviera Maya is during the American spring-break period from mid-February into March and April, so avoid this time if you're looking for rest and relaxation. The north of Mexico is unspeakably hot in summer, so it's probably best to avoid extensive travel there at that time. Mexico City is temperate year-round, and the only important difference is whether it's the rainy season or not.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.