This quaint villa, with painted shutters and a fragrant rose garden, is where Romantic painter Ary Scheffer (1795–1858) once entertained such illustrious guests as Baronne Aurore Dupin (George Sand), Eugène Delacroix, Chopin, and Charles Dickens. Today, the tiny museum gives an inkling as to what life might have been like in the company of these iconic artists, with atmospheric period rooms, one of which is dedicated to George Sand with moving mementos from her life—jewelry, trinkets, paintings, and even a plaster cast of her right arm. In summer, the rose garden doubles as one of Paris’s most charming tearooms—a slice of countryside in the heart of what was once known as La Nouvelle Athènes (New Athens) after the Classical-style mansions that mushroomed in the early 19th century to house Paris’s prestigious artist community.