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Get Up-to-Date Travel Restrictions for Europe Using the EU's New Online Tool | Frommer's NASA images / Shutterstock

Get Up-to-Date Travel Restrictions for Europe Using the EU's New Online Tool

The European Union has made it easier to keep track of travel restrictions in any of its 27 member states. 

A new, free-to-use, mobile-friendly web platform called Re-open EU provides easy access to up-to-date info on borders, available transportation options, and safety measures such as mask rules, quarantine and testing requirements, and social distancing guidelines—all broken down by country. 

Simply select any European Union nation from the website's dropdown menu, and you'll be taken to a map with inset tabs for general information, transport, services, and safety. Color-coded icons under each tab let you drill down further. 

Under the services tab, for example, you can see whether the country's hotels, restaurants, bars, museums, or beaches are open, and if so, what health and safety protocols you'll need to follow at each site. 

(Source: Re-open EU)

Crucially, the border information is organized clearly to indicate whether the country in question is open to all international travelers or to citizens of other EU member states only.

While the bloc's internal borders have begun reopening, Europe remains closed to tourists from other places, including the United States.

The United Kingdom, having Brexited itself and left the EU, is not included in the tool. The U.K. maintains its own information page at

(Source: Re-open EU)

The Re-open EU platform should prove a valuable tool for planning future travels. Of similar trackers that have debuted in recent weeks, this one stands out for its level of detail and ease of use. 
