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Soulful Journeys: Absorb Tours Offers Exotic Locales

In keeping with our policy of presenting good value travel opportunities, we want to recommend Absorb Tours, a New York-based group specializing in a few select destinations, namely Borneo/Sarawak, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua/New Guinea and Vietnam in Asia and the Pacific; and in Bolivia and Brazil, down South America way. Prices per night, not including airfare, run from $184 up. That's out of the range of what we define as a budget trip, certainly, but good value is apparent throughout the tour operations, from the choice of local guides to accommodations and other amenities.

On the Borneo trip, for example, priced from $2,014 per person sharing a double room, you get the hotels, breakfasts, some lunches and dinners, local guides, transport, airport transfers and entrance fees. You start in Kuching, with a daytime excursion to Bako National Park by vehicle and boat for a light trek into the rainforest amongst monkeys, birds and mangroves. After two days in Kuching, you experience living in a longhouse (by vehicle, boat and jungle trek), where you can observe traditional farming, crafts making, dancing, a blowpipe demonstration and more. Back to Kuching on Day 5, then two days at the Mulu Caves, by air. You visit the Gunung Mulu National Park (via 4-wheel drive, boat and walking), and go on Day 8 to Sandakan. The next day you take a boat to Selingan Island and with luck watch giant sea turtles giving birth on the beach late at night. The next day you visit the Sepilo Orangutan Rehabilitation center, where you watch these most human-like apes eat, play and perhaps sit down next to you. On Day 11 you go to Mt. Kinabalu or the Puring Hot Springs, depending on the weather.

In Hanoi, you will see a performance of the water puppets and also visit someone who makes these creatures. In Cambodia, not only will you experience the wonders of Angkor Wat, but you can visit the scenes associated with the genocide perpetrated upon the people here in the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge period. In a href="" target="_blank">Malaysia, you will visit batik makers, hill stations and mystic lime cave temples. Woodcarving and sago making are two occupations you can try your hand at while visiting Papua/New Guinea, too.

For more information and to make reservations, contact Absorb Tours at their toll free number, 877/227-6728 (from North America) or at 212/584-1194, fax 212/714-1768, e-mail, Web site
