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Spots Have Just Opened Up on Pauline Frommer's October Tour to Taiwan

I haven't written much about the tour I'm leading to Taiwan here at because we wanted to travel with a small group (a maximum of 15) and the tour filled up quite quickly, several months ago. But you know what they say about the best laid plans....

I just learned 15 minutes ago that a member of the tour has fallen ill. So he, and the three family members he was supposed to travel with, have had to cancel. Which means there's now room for you, dear reader to join me on what should be the adventure of a lifetime.

A few details:

1) The tour departs on October 4 and is 10 days long. We chose to travel in early October as it means we'll be in Taiwan over National Day, one of their most important and festive national holidays. It should be a wonderful time to be in Taiwan.

2) The tour is being administered by Pacific Delight Tours (800/221-7179 or, who will supply expert local guides, though I'll be hosting, which means I'll be adding commentary, bringing in special guests and have picked some of my favorite restaurants for us to dine in.

3) We'll be seeing all of the highlights of this fascinating country from beautiful Taroko Gorge National Park to Longshan Temple to the wood-carving village of Sanyl. And of course we'll be visitng the Palace Museum which holds the top treasures from mainland China's Forbidden City (brought here by Chiang Kai Shek).

The cost of the tour is $3499 with airfare to Taiwan (less if you'd like to supply your own air transport, using miles perhaps).

Taiwan is a truly special place, with a fascinating history, unusually friendly people and widely varied sights from the second tallest building in the world to bustling night markets (we'll eat at one!) to places of great natural beauty. There's a reason the Portuguese named this Ilha Formosa (or beautifual island)!

We expect to fill the vacancies by Friday so call ASAP if you're interested.

And to see some videos I made on the wonders of Taiwan, please go to
