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Way To Stay Classy, Ryanair! Wait Until You Hear What's In The Airline's Training Manuals

The same airline that once declared it would install pay toilets (that didn't happen), has been instructing its flight attendants to avoid making change for passengers when they buy a snack from the onboard trolley (that did happen).

According to the UK's Daily Mail newspaper, Ryanair flight attendants were given a manual on how to boost revenues during flights. In a copy obtained by the newspaper was a paragraph titled "Have you tried these? Keep the change! A simple and effective method to help boost your passenger spend count." What followed was the suggestion that flight attendants tell passengers they'd run out of change when a food or beverage was purchased. Ryanair staff would then suggest that the passengers buy one of the airline's own scratch cards, or another item from the cart, in lieu of getting their money back. If the passenger refused, he could then be told that he'd get his money back at the end of the flight.

Not surprisingly, the airline is now claiming that the manual does not represent Ryanair policy. They've blamed the company that prepared the manual  (an outfit called "Retail in motion") for the "error".  The manual has since been withdrawn.

But whether or not you believe the airline (and I don't, quite frankly), I think the question becomes: how much should passengers have to put up with when flying with a "no frills" carrier? Is "the truth" now an extra, like pretzels, blankets and adequate leg room? Just where should consumers, and perhaps government regulators, draw a line in the,er, clouds?



