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West Coast and Then Back East: The Frommers Book Tour Heads to Seattle and Philadelphia

Thanks to all who made our appearance at Powell's such a wonderful experience (especially the wonderful staff of that famed bookstore).

We're now in Seattle, where we'll be appearing on January 23 at Third Place Books (6504 Twentieth Ave. NE) at 7pm. To publicize the appearance and the new Frommer book series, we'll be appearing on January 22 at noon on KOMO Radio, the 24 Hour News show with Brian Calvert; and in the 10am hour on NBC's "New Day Northwest" on January 23.

Then, if the weather gods approve, we'll fly to Philadelphia to appear at the Philadelphia Inquirer Travel Show on January 25. For all those who'd like to attend, buying your tickets in advance at will net a $2 discount.

And as always, our heartfelt thanks to Allianz Travel Insurance our generous sponsors on this book tour.

