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Airbnb Gives One Free Night to First-Time Users

Apartment and home rental has been, as most everyone knows by now, one of the booming sectors of the travel industry. And with good reason: It's often much cheaper than renting a hotel room yet gives you more space, plus it often puts you in the position of living in a real residential neighborhood and living like a local.

Airbnb, one of the leading websites that matchmakes available homes with travelers, is capitalizing on the rise in home rental by offering one night free for first-time users of the service. 

To get the deal, you have to book between Jan. 13 and 17 (that's Friday) and stay at least two nights before March 31 of this year. You get a night valued up to $300.

Visit for the details and to register for the promotion (the deal isn't available if you book through a mobile app—only on the Web version of its site), or use promo code ONENIGHT when making a booking.
