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Free National Park Visits for Fourth Graders (And Their Families) For One Full Year

For years, a number of ski resorts have been allowing fourth graders to ski for free. The reasoning behind this move was that age 10 was the perfect age to develop a life long passion. Fourth graders still have the enthusiasm of children (heck, they ARE children) but they now have enough smarts to understand why they're enjoying a new activity so much.

I can only assume this is why President Obama decided to "gift" this age group—and their families—with free entry to all of the National Parks in the United States for a year. The "Every Kid in a Park" initiative begins in September, to coincide with the 100th birthday of the National Park system.

A family pass for a year in the national parks usually costs $80, but for those lucky enough to parent a fourth grader, the cost will be nil. For full info on the program, read the White House press release here.

(Photo of Acadia National Park by Kim Carpenter/Flickr)
