Peacefully located on the river's west bank, this renowned ashram was Gandhi's base and headquarters from 1917-1930 during his protracted and resolved fight for Indian independence. It was also from this very site that he set out on his famous salt march to Dandi on the Gulf of Cambay in protest against the British control of the essential mineral. His frugal quarters are well preserved, including his belongings (spectacles, sandals and some utensils) and there is an excellent record of his life and times in chronological context, as well as excerpts from his speeches, political missives and autobiography. The testimonials from famous peers and colleagues are both humbling and inspiring and one leaves feeling a real sense of awe at this great man who said, "My life is my message." There is also an excellent bookshop where you can buy his works and some Gandhi memorabilia (we incidentally recommend The Life of Mahatma Gandhi by Louis Fischer, one of the most readable biographies on Gandhi).