Getting There
From Atlanta, take I-85 northwest to Hwy. 316, which leads the rest of the way to Athens. From Augusta, take I-20 West to Atlanta, cutting northwest on Hwy. 78 into Athens via Washington.
US Airways (tel. 800/428-4322 or 706/549-5783; offers flights only between Athens and Charlotte, North Carolina. Planes land at Athens-Ben Epps Airport (tel. 706/613-3420;
Greyhound (tel. 800/231-2222; and Southeastern Stages (tel. 404/591-2750; run service to the Athens bus station, 220 W. Broad St. (tel. 706/549-2255).
Visitor Information
Athens Welcome Center, 280 E. Dougherty St. (tel. 706/353-1820;, is open 10am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 2 to 5pm on Sunday.
Special Events
The best time to visit is during the Historic Homes Tour, the last weekend in April. Sponsored by the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, this is one of the most attended events in East Georgia. For information, call tel. 706/353-1801 or visit
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.