The central street of this seaside town close to Belém has evolved into a pottery and artisan's enclave. Belém pottery is fashioned in the style of either the Marajóara or Tapajônica tribes, Belém's indigenous inhabitants. The more ancient Marajóara tribe used angular geometric designs. Tapajônica pottery features countless rotund gods and animals, somewhat like Hindu sculpture. The better shops include Anísio Artesanato, Travessa Soledade 740 (tel. 091/3227-0127;, and Cultura Indigena, Travessia Soledade 790 (tel. 091/3233-4583). Both are open business hours (Mon-Sat 8am-noon and 1-6pm). At the waterfront there are more pottery options at the Paracuri Fair, Praça de São Sebastião. Amazon Star Turismo (tel. 091/3241-8624; offers daily 3-hour tours to Icoaraci for R$90 per person, including transport and a guide to explain the pottery styles and introduce you to the potters. The public bus from Belém takes about 45 minutes.