The only major modern hospitals in Belize are located in Belize City, although there are smaller hospitals or clinics in every major town or city. In general, you should bring any prescription drugs you will need with you, although there are reasonably well-stocked pharmacies in most major towns and tourist destinations.
General Availability of Healthcare
There are two major hospitals in Belize City: Belize Medical Associates, 5791 St. Thomas Kings Park (tel. 223-0302 ;, a modern, 24-hour private hospital, with emergency care and numerous private-practice physicians; and the city's main public hospital, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital on Princess Margaret Drive (tel. 223-1548), which is also open 24 hours and has a wide range of facilities and services.
Most of the other towns and major tourist destinations either have a small hospital or a local health clinic, in addition to private-practice doctors. Any foreign consulate can provide a list of area doctors. If you get sick, consider asking your hotel concierge or front desk staff to recommend a local doctor -- even his or her own.
Before You Go
Pack prescription medications in your carry-on luggage, and carry prescription medications in their original containers, with pharmacy labels -- otherwise they won't make it through airport security. Also bring along copies of your prescriptions in case you lose your pills or run out. Carry the generic name of prescription medicines, in case a local pharmacist is unfamiliar with the brand name. Don't forget an extra pair of contact lenses or prescription glasses.
If you worry about getting sick away from home, consider purchasing medical travel insurance and carry your ID card in your purse or wallet. In most cases, your existing health plan will provide the coverage you need.
Common Ailments
Tropical Illnesses -- None of the major tropical illnesses are epidemic in Belize, and your chance of contracting any serious tropical disease in the country is slim. However, several mosquito-borne illnesses are present, particularly malaria and dengue.
Although malaria is found in Belize, it's far from epidemic (in fact it is very, very rare). It pops up, when it does, in the coastal lowlands, as well as in some of the more remote southern inland communities. Malaria prophylaxes are available, but several have side effects, and others are of questionable effectiveness. Consult your doctor as to what is currently considered the best preventive treatment for malaria. Be sure to ask whether a recommended drug will cause you to be hypersensitive to the sun -- it would be a shame to come down here for the beaches and then have to hide under an umbrella the whole time. Because malaria-carrying mosquitoes usually come out at night, you should do as much as possible to avoid being bitten after dark. If you are in a malarial area, wear long pants and long sleeves, use insect repellent, and either sleep under a mosquito net or burn mosquito coils (similar to incense but with a pesticide).
Of greater concern may be dengue fever, which has had periodic outbreaks in Latin America since the mid-1990s. Dengue fever is somewhat similar to malaria and is spread by an aggressive daytime mosquito. This mosquito seems to be most common in lowland urban areas, and Belize City and Dangriga have been the hardest hit cities in Belize. Dengue is also known as "bone-break fever," because it is usually accompanied by severe body aches. The first infection with dengue fever will make you very sick but should cause no serious damage. However, a second infection with a different strain of the dengue virus can lead to internal hemorrhaging and may be life-threatening. As with malaria, your best protection is to not get bitten. Use plenty of repellent, and wear light long-sleeved shirts and long pants, especially on bird-watching tours or nature hikes.
Like most of Latin America, Belize has also reported cases of the Zika virus spread by mosquitos, so the Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises pregnant women against visiting Belize (or any other Zika-stricken country). New instances of the disease seem to be decreasing overall, so treat this like any other illness: protect yourself as much as possible, but know that you are unlikely to contract it.
Many people are convinced that taking B-complex vitamins daily will help prevent mosquitoes from biting you. I don't think the American Medical Association has endorsed this idea yet, but I've run across it in enough places to think there may be something to it.
Belize has been relatively free from the cholera epidemic that has spread through much of Latin America in recent years. This is largely due to an extensive public-awareness campaign that has promoted good hygiene and increased sanitation. Your chances of contracting cholera while you're here are very slight.
Dietary Red Flags -- Even though the water around Belize is generally safe, particularly in most of the popular tourist destinations, and even if you're careful to buy and drink only bottled water, you still may encounter some intestinal difficulties. Most of this is just due to tender northern stomachs coming into contact with slightly more aggressive Latin American intestinal flora. In extreme cases of diarrhea or intestinal discomfort, it's worth taking a stool sample to a lab for analysis. The results will usually pinpoint the amoebic or parasitic culprit, which can then be readily treated with available over-the-counter medicines.
If you have any strict dietary restrictions, be it for health, religious, or ethical reasons, be sure to check with your hotel in advance to ensure that you don't starve while on vacation.
Bugs, Bites & Other Wildlife Concerns -- Although Belize has Africanized bees (the notorious "killer bees" of fact and fable) and several species of venomous snakes, your chances of being bitten are minimal, especially if you refrain from sticking your hands into hives or under rocks in the forest. If you know that you're allergic to bee stings, consult your doctor before traveling.
Snake sightings, much less snakebites, are very rare. Moreover, the majority of snakes in Belize are nonpoisonous, and even those aren’t aggressive, excepting the Fer-De-Lance. If you do encounter a snake, stay calm, don't make any sudden movements, and do not try to handle it. If you're bitten, seek medical attention immediately -- don't try to bleed the area of the wound or suck the poison out. Staying calm will keep the venom from circulating quickly, giving you more time to get help.
Scorpions, black widow spiders, tarantulas, bullet ants, and other biting insects can all be found in Belize. In general, they are not nearly the danger or nuisance most visitors fear. (If you're a serious arachnophobe, stick to the beach resorts.) You should be fine if you watch where you stick your hands; in addition, you might want to shake out your clothes and shoes before putting them on to avoid any painful surprises.
The most prevalent and annoying biting insect you are likely to encounter, especially on the cayes and along the coast, are sand flies or "no-see-ems." These tiny biting bugs leave a raised and itchy welt, but otherwise are of no significant danger. Sand flies and no-see-ems tend to be most active around sunrise and sunset, or on overcast days. The black fly, or “botlass,” is their inland equivalent, and for many, much more irritating Your best protection is to wear light long-sleeved shirts and long pants when these bugs are biting.
Belize does have ticks in and around the jungle areas, but the good news is that unlike their northern counterparts, these ones don’t carry Lyme disease. In most bug bite cases locals will advise treating the itch with fresh lime juice, and there is definitely something to that.
Tropical Sun -- Limit your exposure to the sun, especially during the first few days of your trip and, thereafter, from 11am to 2pm. Use a sunscreen with a high protection factor and apply it liberally. Remember that children need more protection than adults do and that water magnifies the sun’s rays, so be excessive with that SPF when doing water activities.
Drink plenty of water and other fluids to avoid dehydration. Also, this may seem counterintuitive, but add extra salt to your meals or bring rehydration tablets, which are essentially flavored salt. The humidity and consistently high temperatures will make you sweat, draining you of water and sodium, both of which are needed to keep you hydrated. Belizeans will be quick to remind you that if you feel thirsty, then you’re already behind on staying hydrated.
What to Do If You Get Sick Away from Home
Your hotel will be your best resource if you fall ill while traveling in Belize. Most hotels will be able to refer you to a local doctor, clinic, or hospital.
To protect yourself, consider buying medical travel insurance. When searching for a specific policy, we highly recommend the websites and Both act as online marketplaces for reliable insurance companies. Thanks to their sophisticated designs, all the user needs to do is insert their dates of travel, age and destination before being provided with an extensive list of policy options. We do recommend medical evacuation insurance for Belize, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.