This delightful little museum has artifacts both expected (old cedar furniture, antique silver, early Bermudian coins called “hogge money,” and ceramics imported by early sea captains) and not (tools crafted by the Boer War prisoners who were sent here in the early 1900’s). The museum’s “Mona Lisa” is the sea chest and navigating lodestone of Sir George Somers, whose flagship, the Sea Venture, became stranded on Bermuda’s reefs in 1609, resulting in Bermuda’s first European settlers. Also on hand and of interest: models of Patience, Deliverance, and the ill-fated Sea Venture. The museum occupies part of the premises of the Bermuda National Library. It was originally the home of William Bennett Perot, the City of Hamilton’s first postmaster (1818–62).
Adjacent to the museum, Par La Ville Park is historically important in its own right, with gardens modeled on those originally planted in the 19th century by William Perot, Bermuda's first postmaster. Its also just a lovely spot to unwind, with koi ponds, lovely sculptures, and an engaging poetry walk for kids.