Visitors may bring into Bermuda duty-free apparel and articles for their personal use, including sports equipment, cameras, 200 cigarettes, 1 liter of liquor, and 1 liter of wine. Certain foodstuffs may be subject to duties. All imports may be inspected on arrival. Visitors entering Bermuda may also claim a duty-free gift allowance.
Persons who are taking prescription medication must inform Bermuda customs officials at the point of entry. Medicines must be in labeled containers. Travelers should carry a copy of the written prescription and a letter from the physician or pharmacist confirming the reason the medicine is prescribed.
When you're leaving Bermuda (if you're flying back to the U.S.), a customs inspector will ask to see a copy of the incoming Bermuda form that was stamped and given to you as you cleared Bermuda Customs. Make sure that you hold onto it and can produce it on short notice.
For additional information on temporary admission, export and customs regulations, and tariffs, contact Bermuda Customs at tel. 441/295-4816 or, or visit the Bermuda Customs website at
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.