Getting There -- No rail lines run into Brand. The easiest way to reach the resort is by taking the train to Bludenz, from which about a dozen buses per day make the 30-minute trip to Brand. Each bus makes at least five different stops in Brand, whose city limits sprawl for several miles beside the valley's main highway.
Brand is 69km (43 miles) south of Bregenz, 10km (6 miles) southwest of Bludenz, and 171km (106 miles) east of Zurich. To reach it by car, follow the directions to Bludenz and then cut southwest along the road that's marked BRAND.
Visitor Information -- The tourist office (tel. 05559/555) is in the town center. It's open in winter Monday to Friday 9am to noon and 2 to 5pm.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.