This is the bohemian heart of Palermo Soho. During the day, not much goes on here, but at night the plaza comes alive with young people gathering to drink, celebrate, sing, dance, play guitar, and just generally enjoy being alive. Many of the kids are dreadlocked Rastafarians, some selling funky jewelry and other crafts, and it's easy to join them and start up a conversation. The plaza is surrounded by numerous restaurants and bars. On Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 6pm, and later in the summer, there is an official but not-to-be-missed fair here with even more funky jewelry and arts and crafts. The true name of this plaza is Plazoleta Julio Cortázar, but few people will call it that. The plaza is at the intersection of Calle Serrano and Calle Honduras, but Calle Serrano is also named Calle Borges on some maps.