One hour south of Buffalo, this tiny Victorian enclave has been the spiritual home to, well, spiritualism, since 1879, when the movement was at its height. Forty registered mediums currently reside here, and from the end of June to early September, travelers descend on the place for daily events that include meditation and healing services, clairvoyant demonstrations, and workshops. Workshops and speakers cost up to $350 (most are in the $40-$50 range), but you can watch the basic activities just by paying the day gate fee of $10. Two very basic hotels and private homes can put you up for the night, and there's camping as well. There are also hiking trails, a beach, a museum, a sweat lodge, a few shops, and some cafes.

The True Origins of Rap -- The three Fox sisters of sleepy Hydesville in Wayne County created an international stir in 1848 with they heard strange "rapping" noises on their cottage walls. Believing that the noises were the dead trying to reach them, the sisters began to communicate, or rap, with them. Thus began the Spirituality movement, and the modern role of mediums.