The other Downtown and Hotel Zone branches of this popular natural-foods restaurant closed during the tourism downturn, but the original Cancun location is still going strong. Offering fresh, varied, and often inventive food at reasonable prices, the restaurant is known for its seemingly infinite blends of tropical juices spiked with aloe vera, pollen, nopal (cactus), chaya (a spinach-like leafy vegetable), and other health boosters. A breakfast of tasty pancakes, omelets, or fruit plates here will provide a day's worth of fuel. Salads, sandwiches, wraps, pasta, seafood, and poultry offer plenty of lunch and dinner options, while variations on traditional Mexican fare add intriguing flavor as well as nutrition. This is one of the few restaurants in Cancun where vegetarians will have to spend some time pondering a wide range of choices. Locals and visitors alike linger through the morning in the serene, palm- and hibiscus-lined courtyard, anchored by a stone fountain that sports fresh fruit instead of cherubs.