The Maya stone arch entry here lets guests know what they're in for: classic Yucatecan cuisine (with a selection of Mexican "haute cuisine" available as well). The menu's authentic—and excellent—renditions of the region's signature sopa de lima, poc chuc (pork marinated in the local sour orange and then grilled), and pork or chicken pibil (seasoned with achiote and slow-baked in banana leaves) gets even more interesting when you get to the less familiar regional dishes like papadzules (tortillas stuffed with hard-boiled eggs and bathed in pumpkin seed sauce—pepián, or turkey in escabeche, which is roasted and then grilled, seasoned with chilies, and smothered in pickled onion). Even the traditional pre-meal chips are exotic, served with four killer sauces like chile habanero with sour orange and the addictive sikil-pak, made of ground pumpkin seeds, roasted tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. A mural of ancient Maya pyramids and photos from the hacienda era boost the nostalgia quotient, with the entryway arch echoed in the dining room's vaulted ceiling. Happiness is tucking into the Yucatecan Tour combo ($14.50) to the strains of a traditional trova (guitar trio) on Friday through Sunday afternoons (2:30–5pm).