After touring historic Bo-Kaap, a predominantly Muslim quarter of cobbled streets and brightly hued Georgian-era houses on the slopes of Signal Hill, this compact museum is one of the best places to get some sense of the unsettling racially divided history of South Africa's oldest city. The museum pieces together the tender story of this eastern part of Cape Town that was razed under apartheid's awful group-area legislation, and how its once-integrated residents were forced apart; some 60,000 non-whites were forcibly removed to the Cape Flats, sparking social decay that has yet to be healed. While the exhibits are quite simple and the museum makes little use of technology, its rendering of actual stories gathered and recorded from people who lived through it all is emotionally captivating. For a tiny uptick in your ticket price, you can be guided through the museum by a former District Six resident, a thoroughly moving experience. Although you can whiz through in a couple of minutes, the idea is to linger and grapple with the individual storiesexpect to spend at least 2 hrs. here, or more if you're truly interested.