Consider this one of the loveliest ways to spend an afternoon in Cape Town, lolling at your table with your feet in the sand, staring out at the ocean as every manner of seafaring vessel drifts past. Created from a rescued old warehouse with a pocket-sized artificial beach thrown down at the edge of the water, Grand Café & Beach was a coup for Cape Town when it opened, evoking an Ibiza coastal lounge sensibility, albeit in an idiosyncratic bohemian fashion. Indoor areas are somewhat boudoir-inspired, with pretty antiques, oversized chandeliers, and plush, decadent fabrics. Food, although not bad, is almost besides the point, comprising mostly pricey seafood and pastas, and salads to keep the models (who are here in abundance) happy. The real purpose of settling in here on a summer's day is to drink down the atmosphere. Considering the sense of extravagance and sheer bohemian loveliness of the place, it's probably worth throwing caution to the wind, summoning a few bottles of wine, and tucking into a seafood platter. Note that in summer you'll need to book far in advance.