Modern Casablanca lacks souks or quarters where artisans practice their traditional crafts, and thus all souvenirs are imported from elsewhere in the country. The quality can therefore be low and the prices high, making shopping for souvenirs in Casa really only an option if you're about to leave the country. There's a string of craft shops on both sides of boulevard Felix Houphouet Boigny, opposite the medina walls. No one shop is recommendable over the other -- they are all selling the same stuff, and are all extremely keen to secure your business at the highest negotiable price -- but perhaps begin at no. 37, where owner Mohammed al Bouchaib (tel. 0661/589347) makes a lovely pot of mint tea before the haggling begins. Also offering the same overpriced souvenirs, but without the hassle, is the Exposition Nationale d'Artisanat, at the junction of avenue Hassan II and rue Maarakat Ohoud (tel. 0522/267064). This three-story building is stuffed with every imaginable craft product from around Morocco, and offers fixed-price, hassle-free shopping. It's open daily from 9am to 12:30pm and 2:30 to 8pm.

For everyday grocery items, fresh produce, and fresh flowers, head to the Marché Centrale (Central Market). Worth a visit even if you're not shopping, this large undercover market is a hive of activity each day from early morning through evening, and takes up a whole block in the city center, bordered by boulevard Mohammed V, rue Allal ben Abdellah, rue Abdallah Almedouini, and rue Chaouia (aka rue Colbert). A couple of blocks farther east is an Acima supermarket, on the corner of boulevard Mohammed V and rue Mohammed Smiha (tel. 0522/297864). Here you'll find all the usual supermarket items such as groceries, toiletries, fresh produce, dairy products, and so on. It's open daily 9am to 9pm.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.