The home of the Military College of South Carolina and the South Carolina Corps of Cadets was originally conceived as an arsenal for the state militia, with the first buildings completed in 1829 around what is now Marion Square. The arsenal was converted to a military academy in 1842, and in 1922 it began the move to its present Ashley River Campus. The 24 attractive buildings of the college feature Romanesque and Moorish design, with crenelated battlements and sentry towers, but the real highlight of any visit occurs on Friday (when college is in session), when the public is invited to a precision-drill parade on the quadrangle at 3:45pm. For a history of the college, visit the Citadel Museum ([tel] 843/953-6846; free admission) inside the Daniel Library on campus, which displays historic photographs, uniforms, and archival documents.
- Frommer's Staff