In failing health, fiery orator Patrick ("Give me liberty or give me death") Henry retired to Red Hill plantation, 35 miles southeast of Lynchburg, in 1794 after serving five terms as governor of Virginia. He died here on June 6, 1799, and is buried in the family graveyard. Begin your tour at the visitor center, where you can see a 15-minute video about Henry and visit the museum with the world's largest assemblage of Henry artifacts and memorabilia. The centerpiece is Peter Rothermel's famous painting Patrick Henry before the Virginia House of Burgesses, depicting his "If this be treason, make the most of it" speech against the Stamp Act in 1765. The site contains his actual law office, an accurate reproduction of the main house, the carriage house, and other small buildings. You'll need about an hour here. Henry also lived at Scotchtown, north of Richmond.