Although most visitors eat all meals at their hotels, several restaurants, mostly in Chivay, host the lunchtime tourist groups that come through town. Witite, Calle Siglo XX 328 (tel. 054/531-036), named for a locally famous dance competition, serves a general Andean menu. Solar Rosario, Calle Arequipa 504 (tel. 054/531-133), is a good-looking spot that offers a pretty good buffet lunch, and Casablanca, Plaza de Armas 705 (tel. 054/521-019), serves a good-value menu and boasts a handful of vegetarian dishes. If you stay the night, you may want to check out a little peña action (served up with dinner) at El Encanto del Colca, Calle Mariscal Castilla 500 (no phone), down a little side street. Good folkloric peña music can also be found at El Nido, Zarumilla 216 (tel. 054/531-010), around the corner from El Encanto.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.