This gorgeous ecological reserve includes the Columbia Lagoon. A number of crocodiles make the lagoon their home, so swimming is not only a bad idea, it’s not allowed. The only practical way of going out to the lighthouse and beaches, about 8km (5 miles) from the entrance, is to rent a car or hire a taxi in town to take you inside the park. Views from atop the Faro Celarain lighthouse are well worth the steep climb. The lovely beaches just in front are kept as natural as possible, but be cautious about swimming or snorkeling here depending on the winds and currents. Beaches extend for miles to north of the lighthouse and it’s easy to find a solitary spot. The park offers restrooms, showers, and water equipment rentals, but is blessedly free of motorized watersports. In summer the park offers a turtle nesting tour for $55 per person.