High cuisine in Dallas has long been defined by the names Dean Fearing and Stephan Pyles, the town’s top celebrity chefs. Add to their ranks Matt McKalister, the chef behind the smoking-hot FT33 in Dallas’ Design District, a fun place to explore in its own right. How sizzling is this restaurant? Super-chef Thomas Keller of Per Se and the French Laundry was spotted dining there in late 2013. And if he ate like I did, he came away mighty satisfied. Chef McKalister remakes his menu daily based on what’s freshest at the market, but he plays with his ingredients like Mozart played with notes. So you might find yourself dining on raw Hamachi with dots of peach puree and an Asian peanut sauce; or you may be tasting uni pancakes with sea lettuce, yuzu, and bonito.  Whatever you order, it should be—without hyperbole—one of those meals you remember for years to come.