The 17-minute movie features various tricks, all of them clever, to make you feel like what you’re seeing is actually happening. The doors on the right lead to the back of the 600-seat auditorium and the ones on the left lead to the front; try to sit in the middle, since the theater’s walls become part of the show and you’ll want to see everything. Because Jim Henson died in mid-production, the movie contains a few missteps (Waldo, a crude CG character, is seriously dated). Still, it’s fast-moving and includes lots of beloved Muppet Show favorites, such as Miss Piggy, Kermit, and Sam Eagle. The Muppets, too, lend themselves nicely to Audio-Animatronic technology. Strategy: Lines are longest just after the Indiana Jones show lets out.

See it soon, because it stands on prime Star Wars expansion real estate between Galaxy’s Edge and Star Tours, and Disney has not shown any interest in updating it.