Solo women can travel safely in most of Eastern Europe, but like any other solo travelers, they might find it difficult to book any room at a single-room price.
Note: In macho countries like Romania, Bulgaria, and Russia, a woman traveling solo may encounter harassment or other difficulties. In addition, it is not wise for a woman to travel alone at night in these places.
Check out the award-winning website Journeywoman (, a "real-life" women's travel-information network where you can sign up for a free e-mail newsletter and get advice on everything from etiquette and dress to safety; or the travel guide Safety and Security for Women Who Travel by Sheila Swan and Peter Laufer (Travelers' Tales, Inc.), offering common-sense tips on safe travel.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.