El Salvador is not well equipped for travelers with disabilities. Where elevators exist, they are often tiny. Many city streets are crowded, narrow, and badly maintained, and public buses so frenetic that even able-bodied people have scarcely time to board before the driver roars off. The nature of the terrain means that climbing in and out of small buses and boats will be challenging.
Yet travelers with disabilities will not feel out of place in El Salvador, as the country has its fair share of people with mobility issues, and able-bodied locals will always be eager to help. Mobility International USA (www.miusa.org) is an organization that sets up exchange programs between people with disabilities. There are more resources out there than ever before. Check out MossRehab (www.mossresourcenet.org), which provides a library of accessible-travel resources online; the Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality (SATH; tel. 212/447-7284; www.sath.org), which offers a wealth of travel resources for all types of disabilities and informed recommendations on destinations, access guides, travel agents, tour operators, vehicle rentals, and companion services; and the American Foundation for the Blind (tel. 800/232-5463; www.afb.org), which offers a referral resource for the blind or visually impaired that includes information on traveling with Seeing Eye dogs.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.