Cars thunder enticingly around the bend of an outdoor motorway at nearly 65mph, but that’s as intense as it gets. Those passengers are experiencing the climax of a complicated, multistage ride that simulates the proving ground of an automobile manufacturer (sponsor: Chevrolet), rather oddly set in a neon-frosted black box. Before boarding, you use a touch screen to create a car using the factors of capability, power, responsiveness, and efficiency. Then, you go along for the ride in a minimally decorated warehouse on a series of diagnostic safety tests (don’t worry, you don’t have to actually do anything), while trackside screens ostensibly show you how your creation would perform under the same circumstances—in truth, it’s the same exact ride every time. Your six-passenger car brakes suddenly and careens through a mostly black room decorated by illuminated lines that seem to have been inspired both by Tron and a very low renovation budget. Finally, you shoot outside the building and make an invigorating circuit around the circular track over the Epcot employee parking lot. (Hertz has a similar experience—it’s called a convertible.)

The post-ride showroom features a few steering games plus samples from Chevy’s current fleet and numerous photo ops for free digital postcards. If you rode this before its 2012 renovation, you saw it in a much better form. As one of the only thrills in Epcot, it gets busy anyway. Strategy: There is a single-rider line, but it doesn’t let you skip much waiting and invariably puts you in a right-hand seat and won’t let you design a car.