If you should arrive without reservations -- not a good idea -- contact the Gotland Resort (tel. 0498/20-12-60; www.gotlandsresor.se). The English-speaking staff will try to arrange for rooms in a hotel or private home in or near Visby. The average rate for accommodations in a private home is 440SEK ($88/£44) per person, per night.
The Hotel Squeeze in Summer -- Considering all its attractions, Visby doesn't have enough hotels. Because accommodations are packed in summer, you need to reserve in advance. If at all possible, make reservations from Stockholm or from home before you leave.
In Burgsvik -- As charming as Visby is, many savvy Swedes prefer to stay in southern Gotland in the hamlet of Burgsvik, 90km (56 miles) south of Visby. If you have a car, you may want to check out this popular port and resort town.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.