There's a lot more energy expended on stargazing, wave watching, and ecology in Gotland than on barhopping and nocturnal flirting. The island's premier venue for folks over 40 who enjoy dancing "very tight" (ballroom style) occurs every Saturday night at the Borgen Bar, Hästgatan 24 (tel. 0498/24-79-55), which contains a restaurant, a dance floor, and recordings that get patrons hopping. (The music ranges from the big-band era to more modern, supper-club selections.) A hipper alternative, where dancers are less inclined to wrap themselves romantically in each other's arms, is the Munkkällaren, which was recommended previously as a restaurant and derives at least some of its business from its role as a bar and late-night, weekend-only dance club. It's a good pickup spot. A similar atmosphere is found at Gutekällaren, another previously recommended restaurant, whose interior becomes a dance club either 2 or 4 nights a week, beginning around 10pm, for high-energy dancers mostly ages 35 and under. If you happen to be a bit older than 35, you'll still feel comfortable hanging out at the establishment's bar, soaking up aquavit, absorbing the local color, and picking up a blond or blonde.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.