Port au Choix's birth as a historic site is a funny story. In 1967, a local businessman digging the foundation for a new movie theater in this hamlet came upon some bones. A lot of bones. This turned out to be a huge burial ground for the people known as the Maritime Archaic Indians, a group that hunted and fished ingeniously here for thousands of years beginning around 5,500 B.C. (Among the artifacts recovered are slate spears and antler harpoon tips that featured an ingenious toggle extending into the fish as a sort of delayed-action mechanism after first being thrust into the fish.) One of the enduring historical mysteries in Canada is the rather sudden disappearance of these people from the province about 3,500 years ago; no one can yet explain their abrupt departure. You'll learn about this mystery at the modern visitor center, where staff here also direct you to the original burial ground (now surrounded by village homes) and Philip's Garden. You can also visit the nearby Port Riche Lighthouse, past Phillip's Garden, scenically located on a blustery point thrusting into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.