Paul Gauguin and Jacques Brel are both buried in this cemetery, on a hill overlooking Atuona. On the way up, you'll pass Brel's home, to the left when the road bends. The large basaltic tombstone above his grave bears a plaque with Brel's likeness and that of his mistress and companion, Maddly Bamy (she and Brel's family reportedly are in a constant struggle over the plaque!). I am always amazed at the number of flowers and shell necklaces left on the grave by Brel's fans. Gauguin's tomb is two rows up to the right. You'll recognize it by the sign at his feet and the replica of his Oviri statue standing over his head. Frangipani trees constantly deposit their fragrant flowers on the grave. Stop for a few minutes before the cemetery's tall white crucifix and take in the fine view over Atuona and Taaroa Bay.