If the Grand Bazaar experience is getting too be to much, you can either duck out for a tea or you can duck into Abdulla, an established shop that sells all sorts of natural goods. The store has a clean, chic look, with a subtly fragrant aroma. Look for the pestemals (hammam towels) made from cotton, silk, and hemp; rose-scented olive oil soaps, patchwork leather throws made from antelope skin; and hand-woven mohair rugs. Prices range from the budget to the luxury, and all price tags are fixed so you can relax your haggling skills for a time. Staff speak good English and are helpfully friendly rather than pushy. The prices here may be a little higher than you find elsewhere, but you're paying for hand-woven quality and it shows in the softness of the materials. This is a good example of a local enterprise that is preserving traditional Anatolian production techniques but presenting them in a thoroughly contemporary way.