Out of the many carpet shops in Istanbul, this one stands out for its quality, but also for the 6th-century Byzantine cistern located beneath it. Carefully restored, the now- dry cistern serves as an exhibition space for local and international artists, as well as hosting the occasional concert. The carpets come in every shape and size, ranging from simple, more affordable kilims to elaborate, eye-wateringly expensive full-size carpets. The massive four-story space holds different showrooms where you can find over 20,000 different carpets. Along with collectable antique items from Persia, Central Asia, and Anatolia, there are contemporary pieces with modern designs made using traditional methods, and those featuring more classic designs. They also feature traditional Central Asian fabrics, including ikat and suzani. The longer you spend here, the more and more carpets will be rolled out in front of you, so if you're going with the aim of picking up something in particular it's good to lay out your preferences and price range at the beginning.