It may not jump to mind as readily as other Key West associations, but the U.S. Navy has been a big presence here for nearly 2 centuries. The naval station, now known as the Truman Annex, was thrust into the public eye when U.S. President Truman made the former commandant’s quarters his winter White House from 1946 to 1952. It was later used for both business and pleasure by Eisenhower, JFK (including during the Cuban Missile Crisis), and other presidents and government officials to this day—symposia, receptions, and negotiations occasionally close the house to visitors, but at other times you never know when you might bump into a U.S. Senator or Cabinet member in town on a fishing trip. Historic decisions were made here (including dropping the atom bomb on Japan), and the docents do a nice job of bringing it all alive as they walk visitors through the '40s vintage interior (which is the only way you can see the place).

Tours run every 15 minutes and last between 45 and 50 minutes, so plan to spend more than an hour here. For fans of all things Oval Office–related, there’s a presidential gift shop on the premises.