Fort Henry, erected in 1812 and largely unchanged since its reconstruction in the 1830s, commands a high promontory overlooking the harbor and town. From Victoria Day (mid-May) until the end of August, the Fort Henry Guard and their goat mascot, David, perform 19th-century drills, musters, and parades. Regular programming includes music and marching displays by the fife-and-drum band, exhibitions of infantry drill, and mock battles of tall ships, many of them brought to a close with the firing of the garrison artillery and the lowering of the Union Jack. Parts of the fort -- the officers' quarters, men's barracks, kitchens, and artisans' shops -- have been restored to show the military way of life as it was around the year 1867. The most impressive events are the Sunset Ceremonies, elaborate military maneuvers with martial music performed Wednesdays at 7:30pm in July and August. On those nights, a three-course dinner (starting at C$65) is served in the officers' dining room before the Ceremonies.