This recently restored mansion, part of the World Heritage Site's Historic Centre of Macao, is my new favorite sightseeing destination in town, a must-see for anyone interested in history or architecture. Constructed around 1860 by the Zheng family, it's a magnificent home, occupying a 4,000-sq.-m (43,055-sq.-ft.) compound of more than 60 rooms and a series of courtyards. Although it retains the essential characteristics of a traditional Guangdong residence, including an Earthgod shrine at the entrance, moon gates (circular garden passageways), and plaster ornamentation, it incorporates architectural details from other cultures as well, such as arched doorways and French windows. A small museum displays photographs before and after its restoration; an English pamphlet thoroughly describes what you'll see. Not only is a private residence of this scale rare in Macau, but it also remains Macau's largest mansion. Plan on 30 minutes here.