Fascinatingly, in the 1941 film Dumbo, the stork delivers baby Dumbo almost exactly over the future site of Disney World, 30 years before it became a reality. The famous baby circus animal recently got a makeover, and now there are two copies of this sentimental ride, halving waits. We call it "Double Dumbo."

After entering the Big Top, you get a pager (like the ones at the Cheesecake Factory!) and kids are let loose to wreak screaming havoc in an indoor play area until you’re summoned for your turn on board. Back outside, you go round and round in one of 16 aerodynamic pachyderms whose elevation kids control with a joystick. Each car fits only two adults across, or an adult and two small kids. Standing here, witnessing the joy of ebullient little children being the most spirited you’ll ever see little children be, is almost better than the ride. Tips: An original vehicle is on display in the Smithsonian, but there’s a spare between the two rides here so you can pause for that prize snapshot without slowing things down. If your family is too large to fit in the same elephant (a phrase I never thought I’d write), Adventureland’s Magic Carpets provide the same experience ride for four.