What if? That’s the poignant question that’s at the heart of this small museum, the home of Leon Trotsky during his exile in Mexico. What if Trotsky had been able to stop the rise of Stalin? Likely thousands of Russians would not have been killed and the Cold War may never have happened. Half the museum is devoted to illuminating the history and ideals of this important figure—and the very different plans he had for Russia than those of Lenin and Stalin. The other half tells, through a simple tour of the man’s home, the tale of Trotsky’s fraught existence in Mexico City, which was marked by not one but two assassination attempts. The bullet holes in the walls are from the first. Trotsky's smashed glasses, broken when an assassin who had ingratiated himself with the family killed Trotsky with an ice pick, elegantly speak of the second, fatal attack. As a heart-rending coda, the museum also details the imprisonment, execution, and exile of the other members of Trotsky's family. The museum takes about an hour to tour and can easily be paired with a visit to the Casa Azul, home of Diego Rivera and Frieda Kahlo (it's several blocks away).