Anahuacalli means "House of the Valley by the Waters" or the "Valley of Mexico" in Nahuatl (the language of the pre-Hispanic Mexicans) and the pieces contained in this museum are a true reflection of pre-Hispanic Mexico, as seen through the eyes of artist Diego Rivera. The museum was conceived and designed by Rivera before his death in 1957 and completed by Mexican architects Juan O’Gorman and Heriberto Pagelson. The building is constructed out of pedregal, or lava rock, in the form of a pyramid to reflect Mayan and Aztec architecture. It shows Rivera's passion for Mexican culture and archeology, with over 2,000 pre-Hispanic pieces from the more than 50,000 artifacts the artist collected throughout his life. A reproduction of a pre-Hispanic ball court stands at the front of the museum and a coffin-shaped door serves as its entrance. Visits are scheduled at intervals of 30 minutes with guided tours of about 30 people. Twenty-three display rooms are arranged in chronological order, with thousands of pieces displayed on shelves, in glass cases, and in the corners of the rooms. Upstairs, in a replica of Rivera's studio, are the original sketches for some of his murals, including the one that Norman Rockefeller declared too sympathetic to Communists and wouldn’t allow to be painted in New York City's Rockefeller Center. There’s also a photo of Rivera’s first sketch (of a train), done at age three, plus a color photograph of him at work later in life. On a clear day, the top-floor balcony has views of the city’s downtown and Torre Latinoamerica, once Mexico City’s only skyscraper. The museum isn’t easy to get to, but there’s now "FridaBus," a shuttle that runs between Anahuacalli and the Museum Frida Kahlo. The $100 fee includes admission to both sites as well as transportation between them.